DUIs are prosecuted aggressively in Pennsylvania and the consequences do not end with fines and possible jail time. A DUI could even affect your ability to earn a living.

A DUI in Pennsylvania could be especially problematic if you are a licensed professional. As a result, you will need to address not only the criminal charges, but also be prepared to defend yourself against disciplinary proceedings from your licensing board.

The Skinner Law Firm helps licensed professionals in and around Chester County, PA deal with the repercussions that stem from criminal charges. If you’ve been arrested for DUI, contact us right away at (610) 436-1410 to schedule a free consultation to learn what we can do for you.

A DUI Could Impact Your Career

Many licensed professionals in Pennsylvania, like doctors, engineers, or accountants, may face disciplinary action from their state licensing boards if charged with a DUI.

Depending on your charges and the ultimate outcome, you may be obligated to report your DUI. In other situations, you may be facing suspension or permanent revocation of your license. In addition to disciplinary action from the licensing board, a DUI conviction may be grounds for termination under your employment agreement.

Doctors: What a DUI Could Mean

The Pennsylvania State Board of Medicine takes DUI charges very seriously. At a minimum, you will have to report your DUI to the Board in the following situations:

  • You are found guilty of DUI
  • You plead guilty or “no contest” to DUI
  • You are placed on probation for DUI
  • You enter into accelerated rehabilitative disposition (ARD) program

Failing to disclose your DUI within 30 days of one of the above events could result in the loss of your medical license. If you are facing a felony DUI charge, you could be facing suspension or revocation of your license to practice medicine.

DUIs for Certified Public Accountants

Similar to licensed medical professionals, you will have to at least report your DUI to the Pennsylvania State Board of Accountancy if you are convicted of DUI or enter into any type of disposition. If you are charged with a felony DUI, your license is at risk of being suspended or revoked.

DUI Charges for Engineers in PA

As a licensed engineer, you could face disciplinary action from the Pennsylvania State Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs if convicted of any crime of “moral turpitude.” DUI charges may be considered a crime of moral turpitude. A DUI conviction could make it difficult to obtain or renew an engineering license.

How a Professional License Defense Lawyer Can Help

You need to be aware of the potential consequences and how to navigate the administrate process if you’re charged with a DUI. You may be required to cooperate with your licensing board, but you need to be very careful – anything you disclose or admit may be used against you. Similarly, failure to disclose a DUI is often a sufficient basis for suspension of your license.

If you’ve been charged with DUI, you should consider hiring an attorney who can defend you in your criminal case and in any possible disciplinary proceedings. If you are acquitted of your DUI charges, you may avoid any disciplinary action. Attorney Michael Skinner understands both the criminal consequences and the potential professional ramifications can develop a more effective strategy for helping you get past your DUI arrest.

Contact a West Chester DUI and Professional License Defense Attorney

The Skinner Law Firm understands just how damaging a DUI charge can be for licensed professionals. If you have been charged with DUI and don’t know where to turn, we can help.

Call (610) 436-1410 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.

Article Author

Michael J. Skinner, the founder of Skinner Law Firm LLC, is a former prosecutor with the Chester County District Attorney’s Office.

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