Free Consultation:
610-436-1410West Chester
If you are dealing with charges of credit card fraud in the southeastern Pennsylvania areas of Delaware County or Chester County, contact the Skinner Law Firm to discuss the facts of your particular case with an experienced and knowledgeable local theft lawyer.
Michael J. Skinner will make every effort to help you achieve the best possible outcome for your personal situation. This includes handling every aspect of your case personally and making certain that your rights are protected throughout the entire process. Call (610) 436-1410 or send an online message to schedule a free and confidential consultation with Michael J. Skinner of the Skinner Law Firm.
In Pennsylvania, committing any type of fraudulent activity with the use of a credit card is against the law. With this being the case, an individual, no matter what the situation, may be required to submit to strict sentencing.
Even so, working with a qualified criminal defense attorney could mean the difference between jail time and moving forward with your life. A capable defense attorney will make use of various defense arguments, including that the defendant had every intent to meet the obligation of the card to the credit issuer; had a lack of knowledge; had a lack of intent; or was at an age that may have kept him or her from understanding the ramifications of the situation. These defenses, along with many others, are some of the issues that a lawyer representing you should keep in mind..
Considering the severity of the allegations, it is in your best interest to take the steps necessary to clear your name and move on with your life.
According to Pa. Cons. Stat. §4106, credit card fraud occurs when a person uses a credit card (or debit card) to obtain property or services knowing that:
In addition, the defendant does not have to actually try to use the fraudulent or unauthorized credit card. Merely possessing the card and knowing it is counterfeit, or not authorized for use, constitutes credit card fraud.
The penalties and sentencing for credit card fraud depend on the value of the goods or services that were obtained or attempted to be obtained (Pa. Cons. Stat. §4106.)
If you have been charged with credit card fraud in southeastern Pennsylvania, Michael J. Skinner is a criminal defense attorney who has the knowledge and experience to help you through this difficult time. He is a dedicated lawyer who can help you find an applicable defense to the charges against you while searching for factors in your case that could lead to reduction or dismissal.
Call (610) 436-1410 to schedule a free consultation if you are dealing with a theft case throughout southeastern Pennsylvania, including West Chester.